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Blog Post

10K for 10K

10K for 10K

Stirling Trailer Centre Joins Forces with H & R Gray Haulage

for TayFitness Thornhill 10K.

 At Stirling Trailer Centre, community engagement and support have always been at the heart of our values. That's why we are thrilled to announce our participation in the upcoming TayFitness Thornhill 10K event alongside our sister company, H & R Gray Haulage. Our joint mission? To raise an ambitious £10,000 in support of a cause close to our hearts.

The TayFitness Thornhill 10K event isn't just about running; it's about rallying together as a community to make a difference. As avid supporters of health and wellness initiatives, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to get involved. This event not only promotes physical activity but also fosters a sense of camaraderie and unity among participants.

Teaming up with H & R Gray Haulage amplifies our impact. With their expertise in transportation and logistics, we're equipped to maximize our fundraising efforts and reach our goal. Together, we're ready to hit the ground running—literally and figuratively—to make a meaningful contribution to our community. 

But we can't do it alone. We need your support to make this fundraising endeavour a success. Whether you're a fellow business looking to sponsor our team or an individual eager to contribute, every donation counts. Together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of those in need. 

So, mark your calendars for the TayFitness Thornhill 10K event and join us in our mission to raise £10,000. Stay tuned for updates on our training progress, fundraising initiatives, and how you can get involved. Together, let's make a positive impact and show what the power of community can achieve. 

Link to JustGiving Page: HRG STC is fundraising for Beatson Cancer Charity (